about us

Simply Math Tutoring is GTA based tutoring service. We aim to transform our students’ relationship with math by increasing their confidence with numbers. When students learn to enjoy math, great results follow.

Our students learn from home so that they can be in a comfortable and familiar environment. This helps students feel ready to focus and learn. Our parents also have the opportunity to be more involved in their children’s progress through post-session updates that are sent via email directly from the tutor. We believe that having an open line of communication is important to determine how each child learns best.

We have an in-depth understanding of the Ontario school system and the Ontario Curriculum. We utilize this robust knowledge to develop an individualised plan for each student so that they can excel in their current grade level and beyond.

 All sessions are currently online

We teach brand new concepts, consolidate understanding and assess for learning to ensure a comprehensive online experience.

Please contact us for a FREE consultation.

%22The tutors care about their students and My Son's confidence has increased considerably. His teachers in grade 8 didn't think he should take academic math and he proved them wrong%22-4.png